Dr. Zolta Buda

Zolta Buda was born in 1994 in Szombathely. He graduated from ELTE Law School with summa cum laude qualification in 2020, and spent a semester at the University of Groningen as part of the Erasmus+ Program. During his studies, he was distinguished with the Hajnóczy and Pro Iurisprudentia Practica Awards, as well as with the Ministry of Justice’s Certificate of Appreciation.
During his studies, he was part of ELTE Law’s team for the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court three times, including the championship run of 2019. In 2018, his team received the Alona E. Evans and Hardy C. Dillard awards for the best written memorials. He has been co-coaching the ELTE Jessup Team since 2021.
He is writing his PhD thesis at ELTE, focusing on the role modern technologies play in international evidentiary proceedings.